Time is the window of the Universe…

Most scholars, teachers and masters of esoteric knowledge agree that our world is changing rapidly and in very profound ways. For them, these changes do not come as a surprise. Historical records that are being pieced together, tell of highly advanced, ancient civilizations with a knowledge of science, art and spirituality which rivals that of our modern society. The secrets of time and the universe are revealed to us in the remains of these ancient civilizations and their monuments. The creation and designation of sacred spaces has been an important human activity from the beginning of recorded history. Spiritual traditions, developing in various cultures throughout the world, were founded and practiced in very specific places or sites that were known to have powerful energetic properties and profound cosmological significance. What makes these sites so special? Who were the builders of these monuments and what can they tell us about our existence today? By deciphering the sacred geometry and the universal encoding of these structures as well as the texts that have been preserved within them, archeologists and scholars have traveled through the portals of time and space to re–discover complex systems of mathematics, geometry and astronomy that can bring us to a deeper understanding of the motions of the cosmos and changes on our planet. Prophesies from ancient texts and spiritual leaders throughout history have all pointed to this time in history as perhaps the most important for humanity and our relationship with the earth.

Evidence of ancient cultures, of early migrations, ancient voyages, magnetic polar shifts and the resulting cataclysms has been traced by historians. Ancient maps give evidence of an advanced worldwide civilization existing thousands of years before the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Incas. Research of geological records show that the Earth's crust has shifted over the inner core many times in the past, changing the positioning of the poles. What became of these ancient civilizations and what are the messages and teaching they have they left behind?

This documentary series will trace the globe from Mexico to Peru, from Egypt to India, from China to Polynesia, into the hallowed temples of ancient civilizations that are but gateways of the soul's inner quest. Exploring the culture, building techniques, teachings and religions, as well as uncovering the cosmology which fueled the construction at these sites, provides an enhanced understanding of the external universe. We will speak with archeologists, gurus, teachers, religious leaders, shaman and scholars to provide a deeper understanding and overview of these ancient teachings which are now being brought back into the collective consciousness of our modern society. This newly discovered geological and cultural history of our world brings new insights to our modern world view. Now more than ever, the people of the world are searching for a way to experience the benefits of this universal wisdom which emphasizes a common understanding of the oneness of all humanity and the integration of humanity with nature and the planet.

The Entire Earth is marked with the vast ruins of ancient structures that hold the knowledge and memory of past civilizations. Everywhere there are traces of gigantic works of pre–historic engineering, a universal system of natural magic, involving the use of polar magnetism and solar energy, quantum physics and sacred geometry. The people of this planet have inherited a common cultural heritage whose origins have been lost. We will embark on a journey to reveal this ancient culture and its secrets.

Program Outline

Episode One

Ancient civilizations and Sacred Sites:
Their relationships to one another and the significance of their locations
Centers of teaching and ceremonies built on energy vortexes where magnetic and water ley lines intersect
Energetic properties, cosmological significance and geographical positioning and natural features of sacred sites
Monuments and other monolithic structures built or arranged to mirror star systems and planetary alignment
What happened to the ancient civilizations?

Episode Two

Legends, evidence and catastrophes of advanced prehistoric civilizations:
Shifts in the earth's crust and magnetic poles, rotation of the inner core and sun spot cycles as a possible cause of major cataclysms
Findings of Charles Hapgood and Immanuel Velikovsky, Magnetic pole reversals. World accounts of "The Great Flood". Other pole positions – The Hudson Bay and Yukon Poles
Floods and ice ages – Ice ages in India and North America, the shifting of continents, Sacred Places aligned to old pole positions
The Piri Reis Map, Antarctica before it was covered with ice
Anthanasus Kirchers map of Atlantis, Plato's true ocean

Episode Three

Re–emergence of civilizations:
Similarities of ancient Egyptians, Druids, Chinese, Tibetans, Indigenous people of North America, Incas, Toltecs and Mayans
Sacred architecture, geometry and numbers, types of stone and other materials, building techniques, cement, etc.
Buildings design and construction at sacred sites such as Pyramids, Stone Circles, temples, underground chambers, tombs & Masonic architecture

Episode Four

Ancient Prophecies:
Mayan calendar, Zodiac of Dendera, Egypt, Tibetan Kalachakra, Hopi end cycles, Dogon and Australian Aboriginal belief systems
Measuring time and the universe
2012 galactic alignment, Venus transient, Cosmic energies from Quasars
Procession of the equinox, Yugas, Cycles
Astronomical mysteries, anthropological dates and comparative mythology

Episode Five

Commonality of Spiritual Traditions:
The connections between the sacred traditions, oral teachings, myths, folklore
Sun Worshipers – Resurrection – Reincarnation
Relationship of the earth and the universe
Unity and harmony of mankind, animals, plants 4/5 Elements – Fire, Water, Earth, Air (Metal), Wood
Deities – Serpents of Wisdom, also known as Hermes, Thoth, Hercules, Djedhi, Quetzalquatl, Amaru
Sacred Animals – jaguar, birds, snakes, etc.
Shamanism – Heirophants of the mysteries, divine priest kings, healers
Transcending the third/fourth dimensions, dreaming, time travel, time and energy relationships
Celebrations: Food, drink, herbs, rituals, music, clothing

Episode Six

Ancient science re–discovered:
Universal laws – Quantum physics, astrophysics, Chaos Theory, Relativity, Zero Point Energy, harmonics
Electrical and other energy generation systems
Alchemy, astronomy, harmony and proportion and magic
Language, numbers and symbols, the mother tongues, Sanskrit, codes, I Ching, DNA, Chakra and Meridian systems

Episode Seven

Wisdom and practical philosophy for today:
Consciousness and the path of enlightenment
Preparing for the new age Modern Day Shamans – Edgar Cayce, Einstein, Casteneda
Initiations, empowerments,
Vision for the future, experiencing sacred sites first–hand
Search for the immortals
World Philosophies